Monday, December 9, 2019

Revive your Legacy USB VGA 2.0 adapter

I've recently dig-out one of these old usb to vga display adapters. Enough with the intro , below you will find the drivers for it:
Download Link:

Youtube Video:

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

I-Cloud Lock Bypass - Checkra1n 2019 Tutorial (VM Setup / IMac Setup)

A legit tutorial on how to bypass your i-cloud locked apple device. I've tried it with Virtualbox and came across many errors but couldnt resolve the error -31 of checkra1n application.
So i gave up and run everything on a legit MAC computer , which worked like a charm.
Works for all apple devices between IPHONE 5 and IPHONE X.

To get it to run on VM:
Setup your vm configuration , install CheckRa1n application.

Fix Apple Iphone USB Not Detected:
You need to setup usb filters for (DFU Mode , Recovery and Normal Mode)
Just select the device from list , add it , edit it and remove everything except name , VID and PID.

I was stuck at error -31 and stopped using vm and tried it on a real mac.

Checkra1n Application:

 Step 1: Get your mac pc ready.

Step 2: Install CheckRa1n

Step 3: Run CheckRa1n. First time will fail , close it and run it again.

2nd Try always work

Step 4: GoodBye I-Cloud Lock.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Linux ASP.NET | Resolve Error 500

Resolving ERROR 500 on Linux Mono Server

Linux Distro: Debian
MonoDevelop Server Version: Mono 4.5
Webserver: Apache

Step 1:
Rename your base page to Index.aspx

Step 2:
Create or edit your .htaccess file and modify it in order to allow redirection
Redirect 302 /index.html /Index.aspx

Step 3:
Mono.NET webconfig:

Additional Information:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Zebra P100i Card Printer Door Problem Fix

If you happen to own a Zebra P100i printer and the only issue that prevents it from working is the door latch follow the steps below to revive it again. Screw 2 screws on each side , cut a tire-up to the appropriate cable , drill the inside so the head of the screw can fit and lock.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Project Boost the Beast: i7 3770K Delid & Installation of Noctua DH-14

Well another project of mine , this time  we will be delidding i7 3770K , apply new thermal paste , replace original IHS with a custom 100% copper IHS and install Noctua DH-14.

What we will use: (Disable your adblock to see the items that'ive used and their links)

Temperatures comparison without any overclock: (Speedstep is enabled , thats why theres a difference when idle-ing to frequency)

Monday, March 4, 2019

Microsoft Movie Maker on Windows 7 / 8 / 10

Missing the old good simple yet functional movie maker?

Download the microsoft essential package from the link below and install it , also if you get any errors for missing a .dll ,  copy the appropriate version inside the moviemaker installation path and it will fix it.


If you have the same ip camera you will notice that if you try to change the video settings to configure better your RTSP/RTMP  , whenever you change something on video mode it wont save it.

A little bit of digging and examination revealed that there was a variable called nn that wasn't declared which makes it impossible for you to save any changes. Since it will always result in execution error: Undeclared Var.

I tried to contact the manufacturer through the seller , but they couldn't provide me with a fix(update firmware) so all i got was a refund.